
Billing and Ordering (1)

FAQ for billing and ordering

Minecraft Java Servers (20)

Knowledgebase for Minecraft Java servers.

Minecraft Servers Pocket (9)

Knowledgebase for Minecraft Pocket servers.


 How to use FTP?

FileZilla is an FTP software that allows you to easily access and manage your server files. We...

 Can I switch which edition of Minecraft my server is running?

Can I switch which edition of Minecraft my server is running? Currently, end users cannot switch...

 "MinecraftForgeUniversal" is missing essential files!

If you're trying to install Minecraft Forge Universal, or some other Forge based mod packs you...

 How can I make automated Restarts?

How to Automatically Restart your Minecraft Server When your Minecraft server has been...

 How many player slots should I have?

How many player slots should I have? On average, most servers will be able to host roughly...